Natural Disaster Benefit Application


WoodmenLife will pay a member benefit, subject to the conditions and limitations stated below, based on the estimated cost to repair or reconstruct, with material of like kind and quality, the primary residence of a good-standing member damaged by a natural disaster. The estimated  cost to repair or reconstruct must total $10,000 or more, with the benefit being 2% of the damage total. The minimum benefit for $10,000 damage is $200 and the maximum benefit for $50,000 or more in damage is $1,000.

Conditions and Limitations

If total costs to repair or reconstruct the primary residence of the member are less than $10,000, a benefit will not be paid.

  1. Each primary residence, regardless of the number of good-standing members residing at the residence, shall be limited to one benefit per calendar year and in no event shall a primary residence receive more than one benefit arising out of the same natural disaster. No member shall be the beneficiary of the benefit, directly or indirectly, more than one time in any calendar year. WoodmenLife will determine household occupants of the residence based on the occupant-member’s mailing address on file with WoodmenLife as of the date of loss. 
  2. In order to be eligible for the benefit, a member must be in good standing for at least one year prior to the date of loss caused by the natural disaster.
  3. The benefit applies to damage to the primary residence and other structures such as sheds, fences and detached garages, located on the property of the primary residence.
  4. The benefit application and documentation supporting the estimated cost of repair, must be received in the Home Office within one year of the date of loss caused by the natural disaster
  5. WoodmenLife has sole discretion to construe and interpret the conditions, limitations, and definitions set forth herein, including determining the payee of the benefit.


  1. Good-standing member means a member who has made all payments according to the terms of the benefit certificate.
  2. Primary residence means a residence owned and occupied by the good-standing member and in which the good-standing member resides the majority of the time in the one-year period preceding the date of loss. The member’s mailing address on file with WoodmenLife as of the date of loss is presumed to be the address of the primary residence.
  3. Natural disaster means an event in nature that causes great damage and includes hurricanes, tornados, wild/forest fires, earthquakes, and floods. 

Required Attachment(s) (be sure to have ready to upload to the application)

  • Homeowner's insurance adjusters form or equivalent must be attached to establish the total repair cost

Before you begin, don't forget

  • Add to your safe senders list to ensure you receive all system communications.
  • Save a draft of your work if you would like to finish filling out the form at a later date.


  • With questions about the Natural Disaster Benefit, please contact your WoodmenLife Representative or a Fraternal Benefits Specialist at 402-271-7233.
  • If you need assistance with the application portal or other technical assistance with the Submittable website, don't hesitate to use the Submittable Help Center and reach out to Customer Support.

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